Comprehensive Guide to NAD+ IV Therapy: Benefits, Dosage, and Uses

Have you heard about NAD IV therapy but are nervous about trying it? Don't worry—in this article, we’ll walk you through the process and make sure you know what to expect from your NAD IV therapy treatment. 

But first, let’s explore what NAD IV therapy entails.

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A bottle of NAD+

What Is NAD IV Therapy?

NAD IV therapy is a treatment that harnesses a coenzyme (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) found in all living cells as a biohack to prevent illness and keep their internal organs functioning optimally. All cells in the body need NAD, as it works at the molecular level with DNA to make sure each cell has plenty of energy.

NAD IV therapy is widely used to slow the aging process, promote better overall health and athletic performance, enhance mental abilities, and even boost resistance to addictions and addictive behaviors.

NAD IV therapy is a valuable IV treatment that may help overcome illness or addictions or improve your athletic performance. But before you decide which type of therapy is right for you, it’s important to know what NAD does for the body.

NAD IV therapy infographic

What Does NAD Help With?

NAD is an essential substance that every cell in your body needs in order to be healthy. When NAD levels get too low, the aging process speeds up, mental processes slow down, and an individual’s general health can decline. NAD therapy can restore cellular health to significantly slow the aging process, promote neurological functioning, and boost general health.

NAD is produced naturally in the body, but if your diet doesn’t include the proper amount or type of nutrients, NAD+ levels can get low. The older a person is, the less NAD+ they have circulating in their body, so many people use NAD IV therapy to promote longevity. But the benefits of this treatment go beyond its anti-aging properties and can benefit people of all ages. Below are some common reasons individuals decide to have NAD IV therapy.

Enhanced neurological function 

The brain needs plenty of oxygen and simple sugars to do its job and function at its best. Though the brain is small compared to the rest of the body, it eats up about 20% of the body’s entire supply of oxygen! 

NAD is an important part of the energy-production equation for the brain. Without enough NAD, the brain’s oxygen requirements can’t be met, and brain function declines. NAD IV therapy can help increase focus and mental clarity, improve memory, and protect the brain from neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

NAD+ therapy also supports neurotransmitter production. Neurotransmitters carry chemical messages from one nerve cell to the next target cell. The target cell may be another neuron, a muscle cell, or a gland. 

If you want to increase your productivity at work or just think more clearly and boost your intellectual abilities, NAD IV therapy may help.

Maintenance or restoration of muscle function or strength

NAD enhances blood flow and increases cellular energy levels, which has a positive impact on strength, coordination, and athletic ability. 

Whether you want to keep your muscles strong and prevent premature aging or you’re a young athlete wanting to get the most out of your muscles, NAD can help! NAD can help increase energy levels while improving DNA repair in muscle tissues.

The role of NAD therapy in weight management 

NAD IV therapy plays a role in chemical reactions that can boost metabolism in the body by efficiently converting food into energy. This can lead to weight loss when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Consider NAD+ therapy as a way to burn calories more effectively while pursuing your weight loss goals.

NAD+ IV therapy is especially effective for those dealing with obesity, as opposed to just a few extra pounds. This is partly because obesity causes low-grade inflammation, which is linked to various diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and renal diseases, as well as depression. 

Once you have lost weight, NAD+ treatment can help you keep it off. 

Enhance liver health

The liver is an essential organ and very sensitive to declining levels of NAD. One of the liver’s primary functions is removing toxins from the body. NAD+ aids the liver in detoxification, which promotes overall health.

Individuals who have over-stressed their liver due to alcohol over-consumption or a high-fat diet can also benefit from NAD therapy to support healthy liver function.

Combatting fatigue: The energy-boosting effects of NAD+

NAD amps up cellular batteries to reduce physical fatigue. By increasing the levels of certain molecules in the body, NAD helps improve energy levels and recovery after physical exertion.

With NAD+ therapy, your energy is boosted at the cellular level. Regular NAD+ therapy sessions can help you beat fatigue and feel more energized.

Slowing the aging process with NAD+

As we age, our levels of NAD+ decline. Chronic inflammation and other conditions related to aging contribute to a reduction in NAD metabolism, which can lead to age-related diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular problems. 

The good news is that NAD therapy can reverse the natural decline of NAD while slowing down the aging process. Doctors and scientists have been investigating the effects of NAD therapy on aging for years, and research has demonstrated positive results, particularly on blood vessels and the cardiovascular system, brain, and nervous system. Sirtuins are proteins that regulate cellular aging. These proteins cannot function without NAD. NAD+ promotes DNA repair, which typically declines with age. Regular maintenance doses of NAD+ have been shown to promote cellular survival and the prevention of cancer. 

Hangover treatment

NAD+ can correct the neurotransmitter imbalances that result from a heavy night of partying. Many people use NAD therapy to protect the liver and get on with their lives after a weekend of fun. But in fact, NAD therapy can even reduce addictive behaviors and many of the withdrawal and detox symptoms that occur after years of consuming the “hard stuff.”

Now, there’s no need to suffer through hangover symptoms like headaches, fatigue, nausea, insomnia, and cravings. Our NAD hangover IV therapy can help you get on with your life without suffering the negative consequences caused by alcohol or certain drugs.

If you feel like NAD IV therapy is right for you, read on to learn more about what to expect during your treatment session.

What to Expect from Your NAD IV Therapy Treatment

The NAD IV Therapy process is simple and relaxing. You’re welcome to choose the treatment that best fits your needs, and our team can add additional supplements to customize the treatment even further.

Our medical staff comprises knowledgeable professionals who know how to help you get the results you want from your NAD IV treatment.

Simply follow the steps below to order the treatment that works best for you:

Step 1: Pick Your NAD+ IV Treatment

Choose an IV package that fits your symptoms. Our medical team will customize it to meet your needs if you’d like. Feel free to ask questions and learn more about each vitamin or supplement we recommend. Your NAD IV Treatment can be designed specifically to fit your symptoms.

Step 2: Doctor Review

A doctor or nurse practitioner will review your treatment choice and make sure it’s right for you based on your medical history.

Step 3: Nurse Visit

A qualified member of our medical team will pay you a visit and administer the IV drip at the location of your choice.

Our nurses are friendly and knowledgeable and will help put you at ease. (Check out our 100+ five-star reviews!) 

Step 4: Feel Better!

You’ll feel the effects of the IV treatment within minutes. Get hydrated and experience how IV therapy can improve your health almost immediately!

The best way to get the most out of your IV therapy session is to customize your treatment. In the next section, explore the vitamins and supplements that can be added to your NAD IV bag for more pronounced health benefits.

What Is in the NAD IV Therapy IV Bags?

NAD IV therapy bags consist of a mixture of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and saline. Therapy bags may contain either 500mg or 1000mg of NAD, depending on which condition or issue you’re treating. In addition to the NAD and saline, you may add any of the following components to increase the health value of a single infusion: 

Glutathione - $70

Glutathione is a combination of the amino acids L-cysteine, L-glutamate, and glycine. It is used to repair cells and DNA, detoxify, and reverse oxidative cell damage. It’s beneficial for individuals receiving treatment for drug abuse, degenerative brain diseases, diabetes, and liver disease.

Vitamin C - $60

Vitamin C is an excellent addition to an NAD infusion for anti-aging, detoxification, and immune support. As an essential nutrient that can help grow and repair body tissues, vitamin C is great for athletes looking to repair their muscles and tissues. As an antioxidant, it can help repair oxidative damage from illness, excessive stress, or age.

Vitamin B12 - $60

Also called cobalamin, vitamin B12 is an especially important nutrient for individuals over the age of 50 and for vegetarians or vegans.

If you are receiving NAD infusions for anti-aging or chronic fatigue, this may be a particularly valuable addition. Vitamin B12 also helps build red blood cells and support healthy bones. Regular infusions of vitamin B12 (at least on an annual basis), in addition to or apart from NAD, are beneficial for vegans, individuals over the age of 50 years, and anyone suffering from any form of dementia.

1000ml normal saline - $65

Saline is used to rehydrate and rejuvenate. Supplementing your NAD infusion with additional saline can help you recover from an intense partying session, combat aging, and enjoy increased athletic performance. Increased hydration is an excellent way to boost physical and mental acuity and performance.

Modified Myer’s Cocktail - $119

The Myer’s Cocktail is one of the most popular IV infusions because of its ability to treat a wide range of medical conditions and issues successfully. 

The modified cocktail is composed of vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and B vitamins (including B12). It can be used for athletic recovery, detoxification of all kinds (including for drug withdrawal and detox), anti-aging, and treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome, heart disease, inflammation in the body, migraines, depression, stress, and more.

Vitamin B-Complex - $65

Our Vitamin B-complex infusion contains a combination of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, biotin (B7), folic acid (B9), and B12. The B vitamins play an essential role in our bodies. Some of the numerous benefits of a B-complex and NAD infusion include improved metabolism and fat reduction, increased energy due to greater red blood cell production, better mood, and overall improved mental acuity and physical performance. 

L-arginine - $65

L-arginine is a conditionally essential amino acid that the body needs in higher quantities under certain circumstances. The addition of L-arginine to an NAD infusion can be valuable for athletes who want to improve their performance, individuals with high blood pressure, and diabetics who want to improve their regulation of blood sugar.

Biotin - $65

Biotin is an essential water-soluble vitamin in the B family that’s sometimes also referred to as vitamin H. Biotin helps convert certain nutrients into energy and plays an important role in the health of hair, skin, and nails. As such, this is an excellent choice for anyone concerned about losing hair, hair regrowth, or slowing the aging process in general. 

BCAA - $65

Branched Chain Amino Acids have an anabolic effect on the body to reduce muscle protein breakdown, which improves muscle-building capabilities. These amino acids can enhance athletic performance and general muscle recovery. 

Banana Bag (Multi-Vitamin Cocktail) - $75

The Banana Bag contains an assortment of vitamins to hyper-nourish the body and give ailing tissues a boost. If you’re suffering from a major disease or simply feeling low overall, this is an excellent choice to improve your general health and athletic ability. A multi-vitamin IV cocktail can raise energy levels, reduce inflammation, slow the aging process, enhance immunity and neurological functioning, and elevate your mood at the same time. 

AMPED (taurine + caffeine) - $109

The AMPED taurine and caffeine infusion boosts energy levels in a big way. Taurine has numerous health benefits, including inflammation reduction and generally improved health due to cellular protection, while caffeine boosts dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine levels in the brain. Taurine is considered a semi-essential nutrient for humans and has an important and positive impact on many different organ systems in the body.

Beautify Me (2000 mg vitamin C + 800 mg glutathione) - $110

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can neutralize free radicals that cause premature aging and other health issues. It promotes collagen production, which reduces wrinkles and other signs of aging in the skin and tissues. Glutathione is also an antioxidant and a major detoxifying agent that declines with age. Getting more of it can reduce the signs of aging.

Boosting your levels of vitamin C and glutathione is a great way to promote general health, grow smooth, glowing skin and hair, and enhance immunity. This is an excellent addition to IV therapy to lessen the symptoms of a cold or flu or to help build immunity when you need it most. 

Taurine - $65

Taurine is an amino acid and a semi-essential nutrient that’s recommended as a therapeutic agent in a variety of health situations involving the circulatory system, muscles, central nervous system, mitochondrial diseases, lactic acidosis, strokes and stroke-like episodes, diabetes and other metabolic diseases, inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, and more.

NAD IV Therapy with customized supplements that promote better health has an excellent safety profile. If you’re considering this type of therapy, you can learn more about scientific studies demonstrating its safety and effectiveness below.

Is NAD IV Therapy safe?

NAD therapy is not FDA-approved. However, the FDA does consider it to be a safe treatment when administered in doses of less than 2 grams per day. 

What is the FDA’s stance on NAD+ therapy?

The FDA has acknowledged this therapy’s efficacy for the treatment of benzodiazepine dependence, opiate withdrawal, prescription medication withdrawal, and post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS). It is also acknowledged to be effective and safe in reducing the effects of chronic fatigue.

The most common complaint associated with receiving NAD therapy is the risk of minor pain or discomfort at the injection site. Some people report slight flu-like symptoms immediately after receiving a NAD infusion, but these feelings pass quickly, and afterward, patients report feeling clearer and more energized. 

Studies agree that NAD therapy and other related nutrient infusion therapies have little to no adverse effects and present almost entirely positive, beneficial results.

NAD IV therapy is safe and effective, and results are felt almost instantaneously by most individuals. 

How Long Does NAD IV Therapy Take to Work?

NAD therapy is usually administered over a period of a few days for the best results, but most people experience increased mental clarity and improved physical sensations after only one infusion. The effects of NAD are noticeable almost immediately in most cases. However, for certain disorders or issues, results may take some more time to notice. For example, in the case of anti-aging treatment, the effects of NAD IV therapy may take a few infusions before they become truly noticeable.

The mental and emotional benefits of NAD therapy are nearly instantaneous. To get the kind of results possible with NAD therapy, you must allot somewhere between a few hours for one treatment to a few months of regular treatments, depending on the health issues you want to treat.

How Long Does NAD IV Therapy Last?

NAD therapy lasts between 2–4 hours per infusion. The duration of the therapy can be anywhere between a few days to a few months, depending on the issues you are looking to treat. It may also occasionally be administered as an independent treatment as a booster after intense periods of exercise or partying. Use it to recover from acute illness, surgery, or hangovers, or more intensive treatments to battle cancer, diabetes, congestive heart failure, or more serious health issues.

How Should You Use NAD IV Therapy?

NAD IV therapy can be used in a few different ways. The manner in which NAD therapy is administered depends largely on the issue being treated and what you, the patient, hope to achieve. For most conditions, treatment is administered as one 2–4 hour-long NAD infusion every day for 4–10 days, with infusions being 500 mg–1000 mg each. However, there are some specific situations where a slightly different protocol may be particularly helpful.

For example, Reset IV provides NAD therapy as an anti-aging treatment in three total infusions, with one infusion administered every other week. After the first three NAD treatments, a maintenance infusion is performed monthly. Anti-aging treatments are administered with 500 mg of NAD per infusion.

Neurological disorders and issues are treated differently as well. Over the course of 5–7 days, the patient will receive a daily infusion of 500 mg of NAD. They may also choose to receive the treatment every other day over 10–14 days. 

Because NAD IV therapy may cause nausea in some patients, eating a light meal beforehand is recommended. Nausea is more likely to occur when the therapy is given on an empty stomach. 

Before receiving your NAD treatment, you may consult with a physician at Reset IV to develop a personalized treatment plan for your situation. Because NAD is such a versatile intravenous therapy, consultation with a knowledgeable physician is important to ensure you receive the best possible results for the price.

Identifying candidates for NAD IV therapy 

While NAD+ therapy is safe and effective for most people, some individuals should not undergo NAD treatment. This group includes women who are pregnant or breastfeeding and anyone diagnosed with seizure disorders. In addition, anyone currently undergoing chemotherapy for cancer or undergoing kidney dialysis is not a good candidate for NAD therapy. 

That said, good candidates for NAD IV therapy include those dealing with the following conditions:

  • Anxiety 
  • Chronic fatigue 
  • Cognitive and memory issues 
  • Depression 
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease 
  • Substance-induced mood disorders 

How much does NAD IV therapy cost?

The Reset IV NAD+ IV therapy treatment costs $799 by itself. This package includes the saline and NAD intravenous solution, which is administered over the course of 2–4 hours. You may add extra components to your NAD+ solution treatment for an additional fee if desired. Extra components vary in cost, ranging from $60 to $119. This is the cost per infusion, meaning a complete NAD therapy treatment with Reset IV can range from $2,400 to $6,000, depending on what you are treating and the number of infusions you receive. 

Find out what NAD IV therapy can do for you! We provide NAD+ IV in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, and many other locations.